Charlie Johnson

Program Manager, Securing the Cities (STC) Program
Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security
City of Houston

Charlie Johnson is the Program Manager for the City of Houston’s Securing the Cities program, which is a DHS grant funded counter-terror program aimed at the detection and interdiction of illicit radiological and nuclear material. Charlie has been with the Houston program since inception and has worked to develop partnerships that range across the states of Texas and Oklahoma which includes training, equipment distribution and information sharing. Prior to this role, Charlie was a Houston Police Sergeant and Bomb Squad commander. During his 31 years on the department, he was a technical rep for the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board and was part of a federal task force established to address rad/nuc threats. He has a Batchelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a Minor in Electronics. He has certifications as a Master Peace Officer, TCOLE instructor, HazMat tech and two-finger typing techniques.