2025 agendA

Please check back for updates and additions

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Exhibit Hall

Exhibitor Set Up


Bayland Marina

Vessel and Technology Live Demonstrations


Regency Ballroom

Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security Workshop


Facilitator TBA


Regency Ballroom

Training Workshop:  Issues in Facility Security Planning: How to navigate the new rules and regulations on MTSA regulated facilities in 2025 and beyond


This is a highly interactive session that will explore some currents trends in maritime security regulations and policy. What’s new with NMSAC, and how can the Committee’s work affect maritime stakeholders? How can a smaller facility stay ahead of new rules and regulations? How can a facility pre-position itself ahead of any incoming reg? Is our concentration on the cyber threat diverting our attention from other equally important threats?


Laurie Thomas
Maritime Security Coordinator
The University of Findlay
Former Vice Chair, National Maritime Security Advisory Committee


O’Neal’s Sports Bar & Grill on the Water

No-Host Networking Social

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Exhibit Hall

Technologies and Solutions Exhibition


Exhibit Hall

Registration and Continental Breakfast


Main Hall

Opening Remarks and Pledge of Allegiance

Sareth Neak
Neak Media LLC


Main Hall

Opening Keynote


Rear Admiral Jason P. Tama
Commander, Coast Guard Cyber Command
U.S. Coast Guard


Main Hall

Keynote: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations


N. Clark Lanzendorf
Director, Air and Marine Operations Center
U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Exhibit Hall

Networking Break


Main Hall

U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston


Captain Keith M. Donohue
Commander, Sector Houston-Galveston
U.S. Coast Guard


Main Hall

Port Security Round Table Discussion: Security priorities for ports

Jessica Thomas

Director of Security
Port of Houston Authority

Mark Dubina

Vice President, Security
Port Tampa Bay

Mike Edgerton, CSyP, CPP, CISM

Manager, Port Security
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey


Chris Hogan
Director of Protective Services
Port Freeport


 Brandi Flisowski
Security Director/FSO
Port of Texas City Security Council, Inc. 


Exhibit Hall

Networking Lunch


Main Hall

Effective Public-Private Partnerships for Maritime Security and Marine Law Enforcement


Eric M. Carrero, CAPT Ret., USCG
Greater Houston Port Bureau


Gary Scheibe
Houston Ship Channel Security District


Marco (Marc) Ayala
Houston InfraGard Members Alliance


Main Hall

Cyber Security Keynote:  Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)


Boyden Rohner
Assistant Director, Integrated Operations Division
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security


Exhibit Hall

Networking Break


Regency Ballroom

Hazmat/CBRNE: Prevention and Detection


Charlie Johnson
Program Manager, Securing the Cities (STC) Program
Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security
City of Houston


Ian Feldman
Assistant Program Manager, Securing the Cities (STC) Program
Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security
City of Houston


Regency Ballroom

Hazmat/CBRNE: Response Resources and Protocols


William D. Briscoe Jr.
Special Agent
Assistant WMD Coordinator (CT2)
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Houston


Sgt. Patrick Morrissey
Sergeant, Major Offenders
Environmental Investigations Unit
Houston Police Dept.


Lt. Rick Meehan
Fire Marshal’s Office
Harris County


Main Hall

Port CIO Panel


Kenneth Washington
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Port Tampa Bay


James O’Brien
Director, Information Security Officer
Port Houston


Regency Ballroom

Emerging Threats and Challenges to Marine Firefighting


William Buck
Fire Chief
Port Houston


Main Hall

Red Flags: Navigating Regulations and Compliance in Maritime Cybersecurity

This panel explores the intricate regulatory landscape governing maritime cybersecurity, including key guidelines from the IMO, U.S. Coast Guard, and classification societies. It addresses the challenges stakeholders face in ensuring compliance amidst overlapping regulations and the resource demands on smaller companies. Best practices for compliance are highlighted, such as conducting regular risk assessments, crew training, and adopting recognized cybersecurity frameworks. The discussion concludes with insights into future trends, emphasizing the need for harmonization of international standards and a proactive approach to cybersecurity that transcends mere compliance, ultimately aiming to safeguard the maritime industry against evolving cyber threats.

Moderator – Chris Wolski

President & CEO
Applied Security Convergence LLC


Marco (Marc) Ayala
Houston InfraGard Members Alliance


Michael W. Ziesemer, CPP, CPE
General Manager, Galveston Cruise Terminal, LLC
SSA Marine Cruise Division


Julio R. Gonzalez
Supervisory Protective Security Advisor
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)


Regency Ballroom

Case Studies in the Effective Use of Multibeam sonar in Underwater Sonar Search and Recovery Operations
Poor visibility often complicates underwater search and recovery operations, making traditional methods like diver-based searches both time-consuming and dangerous. Multibeam sonar offers a solution by providing high-resolution, real-time imaging of underwater environments, significantly enhancing the capabilities of dive teams. This presentation focuses on the fundamentals of multibeam sonar systems and examines their application in real-world case studies that showcase the technology’s effectiveness in public safety and military operations.


Ruben Morales
Trident Training Solutions, LLC


Main Hall

Maritime Cybersecurity – It’s Time to Take Action: Accelerating and prioritizing cyber security in the commercial maritime sector
Session will discuss the imperative for the maritime industry to accelerate and prioritize its efforts related to cybersecurity, shifting leaders from thinking about the issue as a compliance task to more of a business enabler for continuity of operations.


Rick Siebenaler
CEO and Executive Director, Maritime Cybersecurity Institute
CEO Brams Point Partners, LLC


Taylor Jackson
President and CEO
Maritime Association of South Carolina


Exhibit Hall

Networking Social

Thursday, March 6, 2024


Exhibit Hall

Technologies and Solutions Exhibition


Exhibit Hall

Networking Breakfast


Regency Ballroom

FAA Security and Law Enforcement Response to UAS
The Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP) consists of field investigative and operational activities that support federal, state, and local agencies by denying anyone who would threaten national security access to the National Airspace System and as well as aviation matters concerning Critical Infrastructure (CI) facilities.


Kenny Maldonado
Special Agent,Security and Hazardous Materials Safety Division
National Security Programs and Incident Response
Southwest Region, Fort Worth, Texas
Federal Aviation Administration


Main Hall

Counter-Drone Operations: Challenges and Opportunities
This presentation will address the current Counter-UAS legislative landscape and provide suggestions on how organizations can conduct C-UAS operations within that landscape and strategies organizations can take to update physical security policy, processes, procedures, training, and exercises.


Brandon Youngblood
Drone Security Services


Main Hall

GPS Jamming update in the LA / Long Beach Port; Impact of high-power jammers in a critical infrastructure maritime port
UHU Technologies (UHU) has been doing GPS jamming and spoofing testing at multiple locations in both the LA and Long Beach Port area since October of 2021. This session will give you an overview of UHU’s capabilities, testing we have done and the impact we have seen and verified in both ports.


Chuck Stoffer
Director, Sales & Business Development
UHU Technologies


Exhibit Hall

Networking Break


Main Hall

Transportation Security Administration TWIC Inspection Program: Data and lessons learned
The presentation will cover the TWIC® program and more broadly, TSA’s role in supporting maritime security efforts of the USCG. Administered by the TSA, the TWIC® program provides a minimum standard for the vetted population of workers requiring access to secured areas of port facilities, and is implemented by the USCG through its regulatory requirements. A significant amount of teamwork goes into the vetting of applicants, and includes collaborating with other Federal Agencies. Additionally, TSA conducts regulatory inspections of TWIC® usage in support of USCG’s implementation of the program, and has grown in this role to include training and exercise facilitation.


Ryan Thomas
Field Office Supervisor, Houston Field Office
Surface Operations
Transportation Security Administration


Drew A. Sindlinger
Branch Manager, Customer Engagement Branch
Enrollment Services and Vetting Programs
Transportation Security Administration


Regency Ballroom

Transporting Spent Nuclear Fuel by Barge, Truck, and Rail: Preliminary Plans for a Package Performance Demonstration
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) is considering options for conducting a Package Performance Demonstration (PPD) to help build public trust and confidence in the safety of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) transportation casks and SNF transportation by rail, heavy-haul truck, and barge. The purpose of a PPD is to demonstrate the ability of a SNF transportation cask to withstand hypothetical accident test conditions representative of those that might occur during transit. In July 2024, DOE-NE issued a Request for Information (RFI) as a formal mechanism to request input, elicit feedback, and conduct market research by requesting information from interested parties (stakeholders) as well as potential suppliers of products and services to assist DOE-NE in its decision-making process with respect to the types of demonstrations, casks, or parameters to include in a PPD. DOE-NE has also engaged in extensive external engagement to share information and gather feedback about its preliminary PPD plans. This presentation will discuss the PPD plans, early insights from the RFI responses, and how a PPD could relate to transport on waterways. The session will also include an opportunity for Q&A with the PPD project leads.


Gerard Jackson
Security Specialist
Transportation Program Manager
U.S. Dept. of Energy 


Miriam Juckett
Intergovernmental and External Engagement Advisor
Nuclear Materials Storage and Transportation Program
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)


Main Hall

A Practical Case Study of Maritime Domain Awareness Technology: Supporting Interagency Collaboration for Border Protection, Part 2


Vincent “Vinnie” Nguyen
Business Development and Enablement Manager, North America
Starboard Maritime Intelligence


Independence Hall B

Networking Lunch


Main Hall

Space Data on Demand – Fusing Geospatial and Big Data to Generate Actionable Insights for Decisionmakers

The panel discussion will focus on Deloitte’s space data on-demand solution designed to empower decision-makers with actionable insights derived from the fusion of multi-sensor commercial satellite data with big data. This solution is tailored to meet the unique demands of maritime domain security, environmental monitoring, emergency response, and more. The panel will explore the various features, benefits, and applications of Deloitte’s space data on demand capabilities, highlighting the solution’s impact on operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.


Susan Kalweit
Advisory Managing Director


Paul Vance
Advisory Manager


Main Hall

Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness with Geospatial Common Operating Pictures

Discover how to harness the capabilities of configurable geospatial web applications and analytical tools to build a comprehensive maritime common operating picture that enhances critical event management. This session will demonstrate techniques for integrating diverse static and dynamic data sources – vessel tracking systems and maritime sensors -into the ArcGIS platform to support cross-agency collaboration. You will learn best practices for leveraging authoritative datasets from your organization and partners, incorporating custom data layers, and managing real-time feeds. Additionally, we’ll explore methods for transforming complex geospatial insights into actionable intelligence, empowering you to respond effectively to critical events, communicate with leadership, share information across stakeholders, and make informed decisions on force readiness and mission success.


Carl Walter
Director, Homeland Security Solutions


Colin Cate
Public Safety Solution Engineer


Exhibit Hall

Networking Break


Main Hall

Radar Vision Technology for Vessel Control and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Learn about Tocaro Blue’s Machine Learning based software solution that transforms off the shelf marine radar into a sophisticated real-time threat detection and alert solution.

Radar Vision technology harnesses Radar’s full potential, transforming off-the-shelf Radar into an ADAS sensor. ProteusCore upgrades current radar systems with AI-powered vessel detection, classification, and tracking capabilities essential for manned and unmanned maritime applications. Our software seamlessly integrates with existing sensors and provides cutting-edge ADAS features critical for maritime domain awareness.


Andrew Rains
Senior Sales Director
Tocaro Blue


Main Hall

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Latest Reports: Vessel and maritime cargo security, Cyber threats to the MTS and Coast Guard vessel inspections
GAO has conducted extensive work related to maritime safety and security issues in carrying out statutory oversight responsibilities for the U.S. Congress. This work has recently covered vessel inspections, maritime cyber security, and vessel and maritime cargo security, among other issues. GAO will discuss longstanding and emerging challenges, areas needing attention and improved collaboration, and the results of our work as they impact stakeholders in the maritime domain.


 Paul Hobart
Assistant Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)


Main Hall

Emerging Alternative Fuels and its’ Potential Effect on Maritime Safety and Security


Cintia Ciancio
Chief Executive Officer


Additional Panelists TBA


Main Hall

Closing Remarks

Sareth Neak
Neak Media LLC