Ian Feldman

Assistant Program Manager, Securing the Cities (STC) Program
Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security
City of Houston

Ian Feldman is the Assistant Program Manager for the City of Houston’s Securing the Cities (STC) program, a DHS CWMD-funded cooperative agreement focused on preventative radiological and nuclear detection (PRND) and interdiction. In his role, Ian helps oversee PRND program administration, equipment, training, and exercise across numerous agencies in Texas and Oklahoma. Ian has been with the City of Houston since 2012, including previously serving as a regional critical infrastructure protection planner and a community preparedness planner. He is a Licensed Paramedic, Master Firefighter and Hazardous Materials Technician, and a Certified Emergency Manager, and has a Master of Science in Threat and Response Management from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts from Rice University.