The National Maritime Security Advisory Committee In-Person Meetings
Please check back regularly for speaker additions and updates
The National Maritime Security Advisory Committee provides advice, consults with, and makes recommendations to the Secretary of Homeland Security, via the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, on matters relating to national maritime security.
The National Maritime Security Advisory Committee (NMSAC) will conduct a series of public meetings over the course of 3 days at the Maritime Security East program to review and discuss matters relating to national maritime security. The meetings are open to all interest parties regardless of whether they are a registered attendee of the Maritime Security East program or not.
Here are the topics the NMSAC will be addressing and seeking input on: (Click on each title to get full detail)
- Update of NVIC 03-03, “Implementation Guidance for the Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 for Facilities.”
- Unmanned Systems in the Maritime Environment
- Active Shooter/Active Threat in the Maritime Environment
NMSAC Meetings
Independence Hall B
Chief, Office of Port and Facility Compliance
U.S. Coast Guard
Tidewater II
Task T–2023–1: Update of Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 03-03 – Implementation Guidance for the Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 for Facilities
Vice President
OD Grant Solutions, LLC
NMSAC Co-Chair-Laurie Thomas
Maritime Security Coordinator
The University of Findlay
National Maritime Security Advisory Committee
NMSAC Co-Chair- Ed Madura
Security Director
Port of Everett
LCDR Jeffrey Bender
Facility Security Branch Chief (CG-FAC)
U.S. Coast Guard
LT Bill Gasperetti
Facility Security Branch
U.S. Coast Guard
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Tidewater II
Task T–2023–2: Active Shooter/Active Threat in the Maritime Environment
Vice President
OD Grant Solutions, LLC
NMSAC Chair – Henry Russell
Director of Maritime Security
SSA Marine
John Devine
TSA Industry Engagement Manager – Maritime
Transportation Security Administration
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Tidewater II
Task T–2023–3: Unmanned Systems in the Maritime Environment
Vice President
OD Grant Solutions, LLC
NMSAC Chair – John Rowan
General Manager and FSO
Tioga Marine Terminal, Delaware River Stevedores
Casey Johnson
Management and Program Analyst
U.S. Coast Guard
Jim Bamberger
Branch Chief for Requirements and Capabilities Analysis
Transportation Security Agency